We live in a generation where pursuing what makes us happy is often more appeasing than pursiung what actually makes us whole. This country stands on the declaration that mankind has been endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights, including "Life, Liberty and the Purstuit of happiness," and rightfully so. However, in our pursuit of finding true happiness, it seems as though we've done it at the expense of also obtaining what our Creator says makes us whole.
At "The Pursuit of Wholeness" conference you will be equipped & empowered with the tools to discover what it means to be whole and what biblical wholeness looks like within your identity, sexuality, emotions, spirituality and relationships. We'll be tackling some of the most pressing issues of our generation concerning identity, sexuality, sexual addictions, pornography, homosexuality, same-sex attractions, gender confusion, its root causes, spiritual influences and what the Bible says about how to find healing, deliverance, freedom & most importantly, wholeness. The conference will end with a fundraiser gala dinner party, celebrating freedom and uniting overcomers from all over the world.
A 2-day conference consisting of:
Prophetic Worship
Breakout sessions on understanding sexual brokkeness, gender confusion, its root causes and spiritual influences
Workshops to equip spiritual leaders with tools to offer compassionate support, without compromise, while effectively ministering biblical truth in love to those impacted by same-sex attractions
Inner healing
Testimonies from former LGBTQ
Age appropriate discussions on identity, sexuality and obtaining wholeness for youth & young adults
Overcomers fundraiser gala and dinner party celebrating freedom with guests from all over the world