The Journey Out — Ken Williams Ministries
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How I Followed Jesus Away From Gay

I didn’t think there was a way out.


Many cheer-on LGBTQ Pride. But what if the LGBTQ life isn’t always the party that the world says it is? What if these valuable people are in pain? Pain that sex and Gay Pride won’t heal? After a life of hopelessness and a suicidal season , I discovered that Jesus offered real inner healing and intimate relationship.

In The Journey Out, I...

  • Demystify homosexuality & gender identity issues.

  • Share stories of real transformation.

  • Help you form an intimate connection with Jesus.

  • Help you journey toward wholeness & freedom.

  • Lead you to meet with God in key areas crucial to growth.

  • Offer wisdom for supporters: parents, family, friends, & pastors.


 Do You Ever Wonder?

Does anyone ever experience real changes in their sexuality?

What are the key steps the Lord led Ken through journeying out of homosexuality?

Are people born gay?

Is there real emotional fulfillment for those who leave LGBTQ behind?

Is sexual intimacy with an opposite sex spouse possible after LGBTQ?

What does the Bible say about homosexuality?

How can a person position themselves to encounter God?

How can people find real freedom from porn and masturbation?

How can we honor God while demonstrating real love to LGBTQ-identified loved ones?

How can pastors, leaders, and parents create an environment conducive to healing for those leaving an LGBTQ identity?

This is my story.

I didn’t fit in with the boys, as a child. They didn’t seem to like me, and neither did I. So from first grade, I began to live every day in a fantasy world of codependent fixation on whichever boy in my life I saw as the picture-perfect male. It was how I affirmed myself and coped with a life of hopelessness and self-hatred. My very first sexual desires were for other males. I had none for females. And my pain medication for 20 years was daily addiction to masturbation, which included stents of serious addiction to gay pornography. The shame of those sins and some sexual encounters resulted in a suicidal season at age 17.

It was at this point that I began pursuit of my true sexual identity. The first several years were were frustrating and were only failed attempts at freedom. I couldn’t fathom breaking free of my addictions or ever finding a woman sexually attractive. But eventually, I discovered some kingdom realities and encountered God in areas and ways that transformed me. The following years healed childhood trauma, replaced lies with truth, forged deep intimacy with God, and established self-love and masculine identity. Today, I'm married to my wife (since 2006), enjoy sexual intimacy with her, and we have four children together.

Today, I’m a pastor who focuses full time on addressing matters of sexual identity. And I’ve seen many others walk this same journey.

Click to see Ken’s full bio.

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