“Hey Ken, I’d LOVE to chat again soon! Things are going great here. I’m so grateful. So grateful! I’m even in tears as I write this email. I’ve spoken to my parents, and watched that vulnerability Ted Talk, oh, I don’t know, 100 times. Ha! I’m drowning in a sea of grace and I’ve never felt more alive. My wife and I have our first round of counseling this week. Love you, Ken. Beyond grateful.”
— S. W. (a pastor)
“We all have moments in our lives that are pivotal, points where we know we mean business with ourselves to see change... meeting Ken Williams was at one of those for me.
I struggled with homosexual feelings since childhood. Even after salvation, baptism in the Holy Spirit, marriage, children, divorce, Christian counselors, etc etc, I struggled. Some days, months, years were better than others, but relapses would be like sucker punches. I met Ken at Bethel but we had our first session over Skype. For me, (and I believer for others like me) he has the testimony, grace, wisdom and empathy that I had never encountered before in another counselor.
In that very first meeting he gave me a whole list of practical things to do (not all at once he said... but START them over the next 6 months). So... I did! I can tell you, I am in a better spot than I have ever been: body, soul and spirit! Additionally, now I have a safety net of other men so that I don’t have to try to do this all as a lone-ranger Christian. That has been key... letting God work through other men, along with being serious/honest with myself about change.”
— J. L. (Oregon)
“Ken gave me the courage to walk away from the thing that was killing me.”
— B. R. (California)
“I came into ministry school hungry for God but with a 12 year porn addiction.
I had read all the books, fasted, accountability partners-you name it. I felt hopeless, and almost was to the point of agreeing with the men who said that this is just a life struggle every man has to battle with. Throughout my time at school, Ken was my mentor, and helped show me that accountability wasn’t the solution, but learning how to have healthy and whole relationships. I learned how to be vulnerable, honest, open, and it resulted in me knowing what it meant to be fully accepted. My testimony of being sober from pornography and masturbation is just the surface. Because of Ken, I am a man who is fully secure in myself. I love the way I look, I love the way God made me, and I am not ashamed of others seeing me as weak. I used to almost never cry, and now I do so on a regular basis. Not because I’m always sad, but because I finally know how to feel instead of always numbing my pain away, and I’m not ashamed of allowing myself to do so. Ken, thank you for being the man to model this kingdom lifestyle to me. Thank you for accepting and loving me when I thought no one would. You are a model to the world of what masculinity is, and I couldn’t be more thankful to have you in my life.”
— T. B. (Ohio)
“Meeting with Ken has helped me to gain clarity about my identity, own my personal value, find significant peace, and understand that I’ve been striving for something I don’t actually need to strive for: I am valuable without having to do anything to prove it to myself or anyone else!”
— B. W. (California)
“‘Homosexuality and the church’ is probably one of the most defining subjects of our time and Ken Williams is one of the most compassionate, knowledgeable advocate voices in this arena. I have sat with him numerous times as he answered the complex questions with wisdom and poise, accurately representing Jesus’ love and redemptive power to a generation lost and trapped in the confusion of secular thinking. He is a true testimony of authentic masculinity, Christ-like husbands and committed fathering. It’s my privilege to call him friend.”
— Graeme Morris (Conference speaker & pastor, Kelowna, British Columbia)
“Ken Williams is one of the best, if not the best, communicators out there when it comes to helping men come out of same sex attraction and homosexuality. He is a brilliant and divinely gifted communicator in every respect. One of my favorite speakers. One of my favorite people. He understands the problem, he knows what to do about it, and he does it. He has great friendships, fantastic insights, an excellent marriage, and 4 beautiful children. Ken fearlessly carries a purpose and a confidence that will move you too to understanding, to compassion, and to action. His life is a monument to what God has done and is doing today. Ken brings hope, wisdom, humility and passion into the most important subject of our times.”
— Mark Peterson (Founder, ManAlive)
“Ken Williams is on staff with Moral Revolution—an organization I founded years ago to help define healthy sexuality…. Whether you know someone struggling with same sex attraction, are struggling with it yourself, or have no grid for the lifestyle, I hope [his] story will encourage and inspire you toward greater levels of freedom! I have so much hope in my heart for anyone struggling in this area and Ken’s story is an incredible testimony of true freedom, not the false freedom that the LGBTQ+ community covers itself in.”