Many find themselves with same-sex
attraction or other sexual desires they
didn’t ask for—leaving them…

Hey there, I’m Ken. For years I begged God to take away my homosexual desires.
I struggled with homosexuality, codependency, porn, and masturbation for decades. After years of failed attempts at freedom, I encountered God in ways that transformed me! I’ve been happily married to a woman since 2006 and am a licensed pastor.
Today, I consult with those who struggle with sexual brokenness and help them journey with God to find wholeness & freedom. My wife, Tiffany, also offers identity coach and personal ministry. God can do exceedingly, abundantly above all you can ask or imagine!
A journey of
transformation needs…
Experiencing the presence of God
Spirit-led Community
Replacing lies with truth
Receiving healing of emotional pain
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For a limited time, I'm giving away two of my talks on same sex attraction.
“We have been awaiting the time when the Lord would raise up Ken Williams as a champion who would minister with God’s heart to those dealing with gender confusion and same sex attraction. A person that would not condone or condemn, but would facilitate wholeness with the compassion and the truth of Jesus. Ken has found his own victory over gender identity issues through the power of the Holy Spirit and has come to value and honor the man that God made him to be. The Lord prepared Ken, all his life for this calling and now the Father is releasing revelation that carries dunamis power to heal, transform and strengthen those who come to
him for help!
If you are reading this, it means you have been seeking and the Lord has led you here! …we have been praying for you, sign up and see for yourself!”
“Whether you know someone struggling with same sex attraction, are struggling with it yourself, or have no grid for the lifestyle, I hope his story will encourage and inspire you toward greater levels of freedom!
I have so much hope in my heart for anyone struggling in this area and Ken’s story is an incredible testimony of true freedom, not the false freedom that the LGBTQ+ community covers itself in.”
Searching for your Identity?
My heart is to aid those who are searching for self.

Where is Ken?

Invite Ken to speak
Ken travels and ministers to churches, organizations, and ministry groups on the topic of healthy sexuality, sexual purity, and LGBTQ+ issues.
We are new creations in Christ Jesus. The old things have passed away.
All things have become new.